Whenever I can I go for a walk in the bush . Sometimes I go quite close to houses on the edge of the town and have been so surprised at the wild life in spite of the way the bush has been treated what with dumping of all kinds of rubbish, lighting of fires and abuse by trail bikes etc.
The Crested Bell Bird has a beautiful call and is a shy creature I was over the moon to get this shot and as I was focusing on him got the surprise of my life when the Bunny's  hopped into view .
The fruit in the next shot is a native fruit Karlkurla or Silky Pear a favorite with the local Aborigine's,the city of Kalgoorlie is thought to be named after it as it grows well in this region.
This is just a taste of the things I saw on my walk stayed tuned for more and don't be shy let me know what you think!!!!

This little fellow is a Crested Bell Bird

I was most surprised when these Bunny's hopped into view

Karlkurla or Silky Pear

This is a male Red Capped Robin


  1. I think this is amazing Robyn especially the red capped robin... don't they make a startling sight in the bush

  2. Yes !!Coral I never cease to be amazed by the richness of the red against the grey green of the bush.


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