A colony of Lemon Scented Sun Orchids |
WE were fortunate to arrive there at just the right time .One week either way and it wouldn't have been so exceptional.
It is at least an hours drive the best part on a gravel road to see these beauties so you can 't just drop by to check on their progress and to see what stage they are at, a few warm days and you have missed all the action !
The first ones we saw were The Lemon Scented Sun Orchid and not just one or two but small colonies of them.
I am sure there would be larger displays in area's closer to the coast where the rainfall is better but I think this is pretty spectacular for this arid climate.
Then to our joy we discovered that quite a few had hybridised with the Blue Sun Orchids. Joy !!!
Two colours on the one stem |
From my understanding this is a common occurrence between these two orchids.
I am new to this interest and until a few years I didn't know that there are orchids here and also that they grow on the ground and not in trees.
The Lemon Scented Sun Orchids are found across the lower part of Australia and take their name from the fact that they open on sunny warm days.
The shades of colour we saw on that day were just beautiful ranging from almost white to lemon, lilac to blue, apricot and deep coral
Below I have added just a few of the orchids and the awesome range of the pastel colour they displayed
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