I planted a tree

At the moment it sounds like a whole hive of bees are in Tree.
Over 10 years ago I planted a tree, had I  known how much pleasure it would  bring I would have planted one much sooner.

For a long time Tree's survival was hit or miss. Soon after I planted Tree my husband unexpectedly  had to have quadruple bypass surgery in Perth 6 hours away by car and we were away from home for several weeks so during this time the attention it received was inconsistent .
I love the angular way the branches have formed

A canopy of lacy leaves

The flowers appear to be formed from crinkled paper
I When I brought Tree on sale and she was long and leggy, quite a sad tree indeed . During those first first few years the wind was her biggest enemy so we had to drive stakes in and support her, not a good look at all Something of an ugly ducking you might say.
 But I looked forward to the day when she would spread her branches and bring some relief to our back yard from the scorching summer sun.
 Now that time has come the ugly duckling has become a swan with spreading branches of lacy leaves that are draped in spring with beautiful yellow blossom a home and safe place for the birds.
Since the yellow blossoms have opened the air is alive with the buzz of bees a good sound as a few years ago we didn't have any bees in our garden at all and I even enjoy the yellow carpet of blossom that rains down when the gentle breeze blows.
